Wedding Poems

The following two poems were used at our wedding. The first many will recognize as the poem printed on the inside of the invitations, however, it was written several years before when I was a senior in High School. I was trying to capture the feelings just after a first date, when you want to somehow preserve the moment so it will never be forgotten. I used it when Melinda and I first got together, reciting it the evening before July 4th, 1994.

This Night

by Wayne Keith

What is this night?
What can it be
In all time's expanding infinity?
Don't let this moment slip by Unheeded
Charging into dark Oblivion
This moment I wish to saviour
I hope I never will forget
The night I won your favor.

This second poem is much less well known, in fact, no one had ever seen or heard it before I gave it to Melinda on our wedding night. When I was a senior, and writing poetry, I thought it would be nice to write a poem to my wife, even though I had no idea who that would be. My plan, which took eight years to accomplish, was to let no one see it until I gave it to my new wife on our wedding night. Now that that has been done, I can share it with everyone else.

To the one I'll spend my life with, from a high school senior

by Wayne Keith 5/21/91

I am my future's past
But who you are I know not.
Whether yet have crossed our paths,
I think of you a lot.
For it is together we shall share our dreams
As we live our days as one.
And no mater how dark life now seems,
I know the victory's won.
For you'll be here, I know you'll come,
No other your place can fill.
Direct to you, a senior from,
A message: I love you still.

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