Wedding Photos

Here we are in front of the stained glass window on the grand staircase. Ushers Chris Sullivan and Chris Dark guard the flanks.

This model gives an idea of the overall look of the castle. It contains a restaurant and bed-and-breakfast in addition to the grand ballroom and garden for weddings and other special events.

The wedding party on the grand staircase. Groomsmen are (from top) Matthew, Dean and Tim, bridesmaids are Christy, Lindsay, and Kerri. Our attire is meant to be pseudo-medieval, in keeping with the castle theme and our interest in medieval reenactment. See also my SCA images page.

Melinda and I outside the castle. The grounds surrounding the castle are beautifully-well maintained.

The balcony as seen from the garden alter. Behind the balcony is the grand ballroom, while the floor below contains the restaurant.

The ceremony took place in the formal gardens beside the castle. It is a very pleasant location, and was in full bloom for the wedding in June.

This is a sketch of the mens jerkins designed by Jenny Harlan. In the next picture you can see that they turned out quite well.

The men model the jerkins designed and made for the wedding. Many thanks to everyone who helped in their construction.

Melinda poses on the staircase with her bridesmaids. Melinda made this beautiful dress herself during the months prior to the wedding. The last button was sewn on only minutes before this photo was taken.

Melinda's dad, dressed in his distinctive purple jerkin, gives away the bride at the start of the garden ceremony.

Melinda and Wayne with Philip Walton, who performed the ceremony.

Matt gives the toast as the wedding party prepares to try a glass of homemade Mustang Grape wine.

Honeymoon Photos

Davis Mountains State Park

Ft. Davis Historical Site

Melinda in front of Lost Mine Peak

Wayne and Melinda at the top of the Lost Mine Trail

A camouflaged frog

The Window at Big Bend National Park

An opening on the Mexico side of the Rio Grande

Launching the rafts on our River trip

A horse cools off in the River

Sign? What sign?

Boquillos del Carman

Melinda rides a burrow

Mexican Mountains

Rio Grande crossing

Melinda and Wayne in Mexico

Ancient rock art

Hot springs

Our Chisos Basin encampment

The Window Falls from the other side

Window Falls with us in the foregound
Note: We were alone on the mountain, so... how'd we do that?

Melinda on the Dunes at Monahans Sandhills State Park

Both of us on the Dunes

Grave of a W. P. Lane Ranger at Fort Lancaster State Historical Site

Wayne at Fort Lancaster

More of the old Fort

Stelagmites at the Caverns of Sonora

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