My SCA Photo Album

This is me displaying my arms at a recent tournament. SCA arms are registered to individuals and may not conflict with real or other SCA arms. Blazon: Checky argent and sable, on a pale azure, an arrow argent.

That's me in the yellow tabard in single combat with a member of the Trimarian army (Florida) at Gulf Wars III.

The Gulf Wars is an annual event held near Hattiesburg Mississippi, where thousands of people from around the Known World converge for a weekend of group combat with rattan swords. Although this is a full contact sport and the fights are not pre-arranged, the group has a very good safety record. This is one war everyone can expect to come home from. The principle groups at "war" are the Kingdoms of Ansteorra and Trimaris. The two kingdoms are separated by the Kingdom of Meridies (Mississippi, Louisiana), so that is where the war is held. Each side competes for "war points" in battles as well as tournaments as pictured above. Other points are won through arts competitions and other non- combat endeavors.

The Ansteorran army prepares for battle. I'm in about the middle there.

My gear is mostly leather with some steel parts. We are wearing the symbol of the Kingdom of Ansteorra (Texas, Oklahoma).

My knight and his lady making me his squire (knight in training).

My knight Duke Seamus of the Cats and squire brother Lord Seumas.

A wooden fortress built for the Gulf Wars. Archers rain padded arrows from above as each side takes a turn attacking or defending.

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